Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question? Check out our FAQs below. If you filter the list by FAQ type, all the questions will expand to view the answer.

If you still need assistance, please feel free to contact us at or use the search tool in the upper right.



How do I renew my SAQA membership?

1. Login to
2. Select View/Renew Memberships under Account Options.
3. Click on the link to Renew Now and proceed with the transaction. If your membership is expired, this link might display as Join Now.

What is mySAQA and how do I access it?

mySAQA is an online portal that provides access to various membership functions. You access mySAQA from the website when you click on various links or you can login directly here.

What are regions, and second regions?

Since we are a large international organization, we have divided our membership into geographical regions. When you join, you will be asked to select a region. You will then receive regular emails about the events occurring in this region, including local meetings, exhibitions and other opportunities. 

You may also optionally select a second region - this will allow you receive information about this region and be eligible to participate in their exhibitions and activities. This is a benefit for members who live near the boundary of a region, or travel regularly between two regions.

You can update your regions via mySAQA - once you login, select the option to Update Contact Information.

I am changing my email and/or mailing address. How do I update this?

Changes to your email or mailing address can be made by logging in to your mySAQA account and selecting the option to Update Contact Information. It is important to keep your email address current, because so much information is sent via email.

For mailing address changes, you can also complete a Change of Address form included with your mailed SAQA Journal

You can also contact us at to make this change for you. 


I am not receiving my SAQA Journal - why not?

Printed copies of the SAQA Journal are mailed to current members 4 times a year. If you are not receiving your copies, please do check that your address is correct AND that you aren't signed up to receive digital copies instead.

Login to your mySAQA account and select Manage Your Account. Scroll down to Communication Preferences and change your setting accordingly. Or, just email us at and we will take care of it for you!

If you still have problems with receiving mailed copies (and aren't a digital subscriber), please contact directly.

I forgot my member login for mySAQA. Can you send it to me?

For login assistance, click here to receive an email with further instructions. You will need to know the email associated with your SAQA account. You will also see links to "Recover Password" or "I Forgot my Login" on any mySAQA login prompt.

Please check your spam or promotion folders for the recovery email - these usually get sent within a few minutes. If you no longer have access to the email address we have on file, just let us know. We can update it for you.

If you require additional assistance, email

What is my membership renewal date?

This information, along with other details about your account, is available through the mySAQA membership portal. After logging in, select View/Renew Membership from the list of available options. Here you will see a history of your memberships as well as a link to renew your membership.

I've just joined SAQA! Now what happens?

Welcome! You should have already received an email with details on how to access mySAQA (where you can manage your online account) as well as links to important parts of our website. If you did not join online, you will receive this email when your application is processed.

A packet containing more information will be mailed to your postal address. If you opted to receive the SAQA Journal via mail, a copy will be mailed to you. A Regional Rep may also be contacting you to welcome you to the local meetings, shows and activities.

If you haven't yet, we encourage you to our New Member Welcome page for an overview of all the resources now available to you as a SAQA member.  

Why are there two login buttons? Do I have different logins?

The SAQA website has been completely redesigned with a fresh, new look and updated content. However, you do need to be aware of some changes regarding the login process as there is an additional step.

Note that your existing login name and password has not changed.

General FAQs

What is the SAQA definition of an art quilt?

An art quilt is defined by SAQA as “a creative visual work that is layered and stitched or that references this form of stitched layered structure”.

The word "references" allows for a broader understanding of the art quilt that welcomes growth and development of individual style. This may include:

  • 3D work and work in media other than fiber/textile/fabric/cloth
  • techniques and materials not found in traditional quilting
  • framed, unframed, bound, and unbound work

To view the diversity of artwork created by SAQA members, check out our exhibitions, Juried Artists or our online galleries

What do I need to know about the new website changes?

The SAQA website has been completely redesigned with a fresh, new look and updated content. To find out what to expect with these changes, we have compiled a helpful guide. Don't miss the new login information.  

How do I spread the word about an event or call for entry?

Is your work included in a non-SAQA exhibition? Do you know of a call for entry or other event that our members may be interested in? Then submit your information to be included on our Event Calendar

What's the difference between Member News and Fiber Art Friday emails?

SAQA Weekly Member News (formerly eBlast)
Each Wednesday, SAQA sends out the weekly Member News email which includes SAQA related news and important reminders about upcoming deadlines. Most of the content is SAQA specific and only current members will receive this email.
View Member News Archives


Fiber Art Friday
Subscribers receive a weekly newsletter via email that features exhibits (including non-SAQA ones), interesting tidbits, and other news in the art quilt world. You do not have to be a SAQA member to receive this email.
View Fiber Art Fiber Archives

Do you have any brochures or marketing materials? I am attending an event.

SAQA is ready to help you with promotional materials to share the word about SAQA. Just complete our Marketing Request form and we will be delighted to get you materials you need. Options include rack cards, sample catalogs and magazines, and more!

I am not receiving my SAQA Emails - why not?

If you are not receiving emails from SAQA (you should receive at least one a week), check the following:

  • Did our emails go to your spam folder? This is the #1 reason why you aren't receiving our emails.
  • Is the email we have on file correct? Manage your Account »
  • Are you still a current SAQA member? Lapsed members will not receive SAQA emails (except for Fiber Art Friday)
  • Some e-mail servers may automatically block group e-mails and/or messages from the SAQA domain.  Please include in your list of approved contacts, trusted domains or whitelist (refer to your email program or website host for more details).

Each email from SAQA includes an Unsubscribe Link at the bottom. If you select this option, you will be unsubscribed from ALL SAQA EMAILS (except for system emails), not just the current subscription.

If three or more bounce-backs are received from your email address, the system will automatically remove you from our distribution list. 

If you are no longer interested in receiving our emails, please let us know or use the unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email. Marking our emails as SPAM in your email makes it much more difficult for other members to receive them. We appreciate your cooperation.

Do you offer closed-captioning on your videos?

Many of our videos are hosted on youtube which offers an auto-captioning feature in English and many other languages. To use this feature, select the gear icon on the bottom of the video and select subtitles/CC. You can then make the appropriate selection.

Click below to watch a video explaining this feature.


Where can I find information about SAQA calls for entry?

SAQA maintains a list of Calls for Entry that includes both Global and Regional Calls for Entry as well as other SAQA opportunities. Each Call for Entry will include a detailed prospectus that includes more specifics including who to contact for more information.

Weekly emails from SAQA will also include upcoming deadlines about our different opportunities. 

Each SAQA Call for Entry will usually have a one month time period when entries are accepted online. Specifics will be included in the prospectus.

NOTE: Prospectuses for the Global Exhibitions are posted online about one year before the final application deadline. Sometimes slight changes are made to the prospectus - please make sure you periodically review the online version so you are aware of these updates.

Who can enter a SAQA exhibition?

You must be a current SAQA member to enter both Global and Regional Calls for Entry. You do NOT have to be a Juried Artist member.

Regional Calls require you to be affiliated with a region specified in the prospectus. Each member can select a primary and secondary region in their profile.

Do entries need to be original work?

Yes, SAQA exhibitions do require that artists submit work that is original and of their own design. Quilts made from patterns, kits, or completed in workshops with the collaboration or design of an instructor, or copies or clearly derivative work based on source material not made by the artist (including but not limited to artwork, photos, and AI generated images) are not eligible.

If you have questions, please contact the exhibition coordinator referenced in the prospectus.

What does "collaboration" mean when entering a SAQA exhibit?

Collaboration on an artwork means one or more persons worked as a team to jointly create the artwork and each person contributed in some significant way to the artwork, sharing credit for its' creation. This does not include the production of material used, paid labor or contract quilting.

Collaboration is permitted provided:

  • All artists collaborating on the artwork must be SAQA members.
  • The artwork is entered only once under the name of the artist serving as the contact for the artwork, in the designated space on the entry form listing all collaborating artists.
  • Only one fee is charged for the individual artist's form and the collaborative work is counted as one of the three artworks each artist is permitted to enter either as a solo artist or in collaboration with others.
What about copyright concerns?

Each artist will be asked to confirm on the submission form that to the best of the Artist's knowledge, the artwork does not violate any current copyright laws. Information about copyright permissions should be included in the artist statement.

Permission to use another's work as inspiration does not mean that clearly derivative works will be accepted for global exhibitions - only original creative artwork may be submitted.

Does it matter when my work was created?

No, SAQA does not have a requirement that an artwork be made after a certain date for our Global Exhibitions. All SAQA member work that meets the requirements in the prospectus is eligible for entry, with the exception of work previously shown in a SAQA Global Exhibition.

Note that the date requirement may differ for regional exhibitions - check the prospectus for details.

Are the size requirements negotiable?

Each exhibition is designed to hang in specific venues, many of which have specified exactly what size artwork they can accommodate.

Sizes are not negotiable and any entry that does not meet those requirements will be reviewed to determine whether it will be excluded from the exhibit. Any embellishment that extends past the edge of the work, in any direction, is included in the size measurements.  

Can I submit my entry past the deadline?

Late submissions are not accepted and we STRONGLY encourage that you don't wait until the last minute to start your entry. The entry form is designed to close automatically at the designated time (usually midnight Eastern Time on the last day).


What do I include for my artist statement, materials, and techniques?

The artist statement is specific to the entered piece (not your artist bio) and should not contain your name, your website, or any other information that would affect the blind jury process. The statement is limited to 700 characters (approximately 125 words) and may be edited for clarity if your piece is submitted.

The materials and techniques sections each have a limit of 200 characters (approximately 40 words) and should not contain any brand names or artist names.

For more information:

Craft an Amazing Artist Statement in Less Than 60 Words

Write artist statements that welcome, captivate your audiences


How do I determine sales price? Does my piece have to be for sale?

No, it is not required that your piece be for sale (unless otherwise indicated on the prospectus) for a SAQA Global Exhibition. Regional exhibitions may differ - check the prospectus.

SAQA charges 25% commission and some exhibiting venues might charge a commission (total commission will not exceed 50%).

Pricing should be consistent with the artist’s sales record, if any, or comparable works. Do not deduct any amount for commission when determining this value.

If a quilt is not for sale, it must be specified in the application, and an insurance value must be included in the application. Artwork prices cannot be changed after the application is submitted.

What are the digital submission guidelines?

For SAQA calls, jurors select the work through images submitted online as part of the entry form - they do NOT see the actual artwork. This is why it is vital to send the best possible images. Using a professional photographer is recommended but not required.

For more details about preparing digital images, check out the resource below



What does “Insurance Value” mean?

This is the value determined by the artist that represents the US dollar amount the work would be priced, if it were available for sale. This amount may not be changed after the entry is submitted and is only applicable if your piece is not for sale.

How do I check image sizes or find the number of pixels?

The submission form will include the specific file requirements for the particular call (these may vary). While the form does NOT check the pixel size or file size on uploaded files, you will want to ensure that your images meet the specifications.

To check the pixel size of the image on your computer:

  • Open the folder or file location where the image is saved.
  • Right-click the image.
  • Select Get Info (Mac) or Properties (Windows). For Windows users, you also need to click on either the Details or Summary tab for the information. The tab will depend on your operating system.

If your file exceeds the maximum pixel size, you will need to resize it smaller. This can be done using Preview (MAC), Paint (Windows), or other software products. There are also some online file resizers such as or In addition to pixel size, they also have the ability to resize image size in MB.

NOTE: If your file size is below the minimum pixels, you will need to get another picture. You cannot increase the number of pixels without a loss of image quality.

Even if your image file is within the specific pixel range, it may still be too large for uploading due to image resolution, number of colors, compression/quality, etc.

You can check the file size using the instructions above. Remember that 1000 KiloBytes (KB) = 1 MegaByte (MB). To reduce the file size, you may need to set a pixel size closer to the minimum requirement.

NOTE: A submission form cannot exceed 25 MB in uploaded image files (usually there are a maximum of 3 per artwork). You will receive an error if this limit is exceeded.

Since there are slight variations in how file sizes are calculated, we recommend a 24 MB target size for ALL your uploaded images (12 MB each if submitting 2 images or 8 MB each for 3 images). You can slightly decrease the image quality or resolution when saving the image to reduce the file size.

If you are accepted into a SAQA Global exhibition, you WILL be contacted if your image isn't suitable for print purposes.

Are 3D works allowed for exhibitions?

Each exhibition has a detailed prospectus online that specifies what can and cannot be entered. Some of these restrictions may be based upon venue that will be hosting the exhibition.

Some of SAQA’s calls do invite 3D, sculptural or installation type entries and will be specifically addressed in the call details.

Do I need to do anything special when entering 3D or alternative format works?

Work accepted for SAQA exhibitions that are installation, three-dimensional, sculptural, freestanding or wearable, may require the artist to provide display equipment necessary to properly install the piece. This could include pedestals, armatures, mannequins, or custom-made display supports. While many venues provide pedestals, the artist may need to provide the weight of the artwork and might be able to suggest height and size of such pedestal.

Artists should also be prepared, if necessary, to provide unusual or specific lighting for installation works, if such lighting is not typical for the venue’s light system (e.g. spotlights, or floor lights). 

Artists will need to provide step-by-step instructions for the assembly, installation, and display of any work that is not simply hung directly onto a wall.  These instructions should also include, if necessary, clear guidelines for unpacking and repacking of the work for return shipment, including photos, and diagrams.

In the event of a video submission, artists should be prepared, if necessary, to provide the appropriate monitor or projection equipment for viewing. Also, any accepted video should be submitted to the venue in the format requested by the venue, such as DVD, thumbdrive, or upload.

Why are the exhibitions juried and how are jurors selected?

SAQA strives to produce professional exhibitions that can be marketed to a variety of venues. Jurors help to meet this goal by pulling together a cohesive body of work that is aesthetically and thematically cohesive from a diverse slate of entries.

Jurors with diverse backgrounds and artistic training are sought and may include museum curators, artists working within the academic community, and well-known artists of all media. Jurors use a blind jurying process to make their final selections for the exhibition - no artist information is available to them.

Do I have to pay an entry fee when I enter or just if I am accepted?

Each Call for Entry will usually have a fee for entering the exhibition. This fee must be paid by everyone, regardless if your artwork is accepted or not. Fees can be paid online (credit card or paypal) via during the entry window.

Once the call closes, you will be contacted if you still need to submit a payment or if your membership isn't current. Failure to pay your fee can result in your pieces not being included in the jurying process.If you have any questions regarding your payment, please contact

When do I find out if I have been accepted?

Each prospectus will include a date by which notifications will be sent. Sometimes the jurying process will be completed earlier. Both accepted and declined artists are contacted via email about their status. The list of accepted artists will be announced soon afterwards. 

Make sure your email address is correct in every place entered, add to your contacts list, check your spam and junk folders. If you still haven’t found any information by the date for notification, contact or the Exhibition Coordinator listed on the prospectus or

Soon after notifications go out, accepted artists will receive Artist Instructions which will include shipping instructions and an artist contract. Please review these carefully.


Can I submit my artwork to another exhibition?

Before completing your submission, please double check that any work submitted has not been entered in or accepted to any other exhibition that may overlap with the dates of this show. You will need to wait until you receive your official notification from one show before entering another.

Remember, SAQA requires that accepted artwork remain available for the entire length of the exhibition and cannot be withdrawn before the end of the exhibition schedule for any reason.

Withdrawal after entry submission but before acceptance will result in a forfeiture of the entry fee; withdrawal once work has been accepted whether prior to or during the exhibition may result in the artist being excluded from future SAQA shows.

Are members allowed to have multiple pieces selected for a global exhibition?

Members may submit up to three pieces of art for each global exhibition, however jurors will be instructed to select no more than one artwork per artist per exhibition. Regional exhibitions may have different policies.

Can I continue to work on my piece of artwork, add stitching, or other elements once it has been submitted?

No. Your quilt must match the image that was submitted for the jury process and any entry that does not meet this requirement will be reviewed by the Exhibition Committee Chairs to determine whether it will be excluded from the exhibit.

Can I share photos of my work before it has been accepted into an exhibition?

When applying to a SAQA Call for entry, there are no restrictions regarding the publication of images of your artwork. This is true even if your artwork is accepted. 

Do I need a label on my piece? What about sleeves or rod pockets?

Yes, the label must contain the title of the work, your name and address, and telephone number and should be adhered to the back of the work for wall-hung pieces.

If your piece is not wall-hung, you can attach your label to the bottom of the piece or somewhere it is not visible. If there is no place for a label (a two-sided ceiling hung or installation piece), just ensure all contact information is included with your piece

Sleeves / Hanging Requirements

For 2D works, a sleeve should be attached one inch from the top of the quilt and should extend to only one inch inside each edge of the work. The sleeve should have enough give to accommodate a hanging rod and hooks. For SAQA global exhibitions, hanging rods are provided.

Note: the instructions below reference a 5 inch sleeve - other sizes are acceptable if they are more appropriate for your piece.

How to Make a Hanging Sleeve / Rod Pocket »

If your piece cannot hang from a standard hanging rod (sheer pieces, ceiling-hung, 3D, etc.), you may asked to provide your own hanging apparatus. The submission form will ask for additional details.

PLEASE NOTE: While a sleeve is preferred, other alternative hanging methods may be used if it's more appropriate for your artwork. This can include a wired slats or similar.

If you require additional clarification, please contact the exhibition coordinator listed on the call detail page.


Does SAQA arrange for my work to be sent to the SAQA shipping facility?

No, each artist is responsible for following the shipping instructions included in the Artist Instructions. SAQA does not pay for shipping of artwork to our Exhibition Management Center in Ohio. SAQA will cover shipping costs to the venues and back to the artist when the final exhibition closes. 

Non-US artists can request reimbursement for a portion of their shipping costs.

Can I remove my work before the exhibition ends?

No, work must be available to travel throughout the duration of an exhibition. It is SAQA policy that once a work has been accepted, it cannot be withdrawn for any reason until the end of the exhibition travel schedule. If a work is sold during the exhibition, the purchaser must wait until the end of the exhibition to receive the work.

What is the SAQA Shipping Policy?

Most exhibits require that work be able to be rolled, folded, collapsed or otherwise able to travel between venues in one of SAQA’s traveling crates along with the other works in the exhibit. SAQA asks that artists engineer their piece(s) to break down or fold so they can fit into the space allotted. Note that this does not apply for SAQA calls which allow for 3D pieces.

When artwork does not fit in a SAQA’s shipping crate SAQA may require that the artist provide a suitable container for shipping the work from venue to venue. The artist may be asked to pay a portion of the additional shipping fees. If a work is selected by the juror, SAQA will work with the artist to determine the amount of the artist’s liability and the artist’s liability will be limited to the agreed amount.

For questions regarding the shipping policy, please contact William Reker at


What happens if my work sells during the exhibition?

Work that sells from a SAQA Global Exhibition will not be delivered to the buyer until after the exhibition ends. SAQA will hold all sales monies received in a customer deposit account until the end of the return period (14 days after the artwork is received by the buyer). SAQA shall pay all proceeds due to the Artist (less any applicable commissions) within 30 days of end of the return period.

What happens if my work is damaged or lost during an exhibition?

SAQA will arrange to insure the artworks during the exhibition and while it travels, until it is returned to the artist. We do require our exhibiting venues to carry their own insurance as well.

In the event of loss or damage, artists WILL be asked to provide sales records and/or appraisals as supporting documentation towards determining the insurance value of artwork. Any negotiation regarding final valuation is between the artist and the insurance company. SAQA’s liability is limited to the amount paid by insurance.

Will all accepted artworks be shown in every venue?

Each exhibition is different and not all works can be shown in every venue. SAQA markets each exhibition in its entirety and works with venues to ensure the maximum number of pieces possible will be shown in each venue. The venues have different space limitations and many museum and gallery venues also have curators that exercise creative control over the presentation of an exhibition within their venue.

How are exhibitions developed?

Working in conjunction with SAQA's Director of Exhibitions, the SAQA Exhibition Committee is a dedicated group of volunteers whose mission is to find and develop opportunities for our members to show their work. Those opportunities may include museums, international expositions, quilt show venues, regional exhibits, galleries, or trunk show presentations.

What is a Virtual Gallery?

SAQA's Virtual Gallery Program includes online galleries of images submitted by our members. Themes from volunteer curators are solicited yearly. 

Unlike a brick-and-mortar venue, an on-line gallery requires images only. It has no space or shipping considerations---and far fewer limitations on the kinds of work that can be shown. All virtual galleries are limited to SAQA members and no entry fee is required.

Can I use AI Generated Artwork?

Interested in incorporating AI generated art in your piece? Read more about it in our helpful FAQ.

SAQA Seminar

What is SAQA Seminar?

Launched in 2016, SAQA Seminar is an annual project offered through the Education Committee just for SAQA members. We wanted to provide members with opportunities to learn more about a particular topic, share their expertise, ask questions, have conversations, and meet new people.

SAQA Seminar is a multi-media collection of content that will be released weekly over a 6 to 8 week period. It will include articles, resources, video conversations, and more. The content is not instructional in nature but a guided tour through topics of interest. Weekly Zoom meetings give you a chance to discuss the topics with other participants and share our creative journeys.

SAQA Seminar is NOT a traditional retreat, workshop, class or conference - there are enough spots for everyone to participate as long as you are a SAQA member. All the offerings are available online and can be accessed even after the Seminar is over (check out our archives from past seminars).

When do I have to be at my computer for SAQA Seminar?

SAQA Seminar content is delivered each Monday afternoon via email and will also be available online. So you can review everything on your own schedule, even if you join late.

Each unit may includes video conversations, articles, optional activities, a related gallery, and some resource links. We do encourage you to join us for our weekly Live Chat sessions where you can talk about each unit with other participants and/or participate in the SAQA Members-Only Facebook group.

Most of these Zoom chats will NOT be recorded as they are are casual conversations in breakout rooms. If we do have special guests with presentations, we will record that portion. Details will be included in your weekly SAQA Seminar emails.

Due to my work / travel schedule, I can't participate all the time. Is this a problem?

That's totally fine! SAQA Seminar is not an online course with classes that you are required to attend. You will receive weekly emails each Monday with links to all the resources. You can begin exploring when we kick off in January or you may find your way to all the great resources several weeks later.

The content is not instructional in nature but rather a guided tour through topics of interest. Weekly Zoom meetings (which are optional) give you a chance to discuss the topics with other participants, be inspired, and share creative journeys.

Art Quilt Quarterly

When will I get my first issue if I subscribe now?

Issues of Art Quilt Quarterly are sent directly from the mailing house in batches. Depending on when you subscribe, it can take up to 4 weeks or longer to receive your first issue. If you have any questions, please contact us at

What if I didn't receive my copy (or changed my address)?

If you have any problems with your subscription, please contact us at If you are a SAQA member, address changes can also be made via Manage Your Account in

How can my artwork be included in the Portfolio section?

The Portfolio section of each issue of Art Quilt Quarterly includes artwork from our Juried Artist Members. A call for submissions takes place each year usually in February and March. Submitted artwork will then be included in one of the 4 issues in that series. Only current SAQA Juried Artist members are eligible for inclusion.

Artwork submitted in the 2021 Call for Submissions will be included in Art Quilt Quarterly (issues 24, 25, 26, or 27), added to our online collection, and be eligible for publication in the SAQA Journal or weekly SAQA emails. Plus, if the series continues, it will be in the fourth printed Exploring Art Quilts book published by Schiffer Publications in 2023.

Juried Artists can review which issues of AQQ their artwork appeared in by visiting this link.

Not a Juried Artist? Visit Juried Artist Guidelines for details about applying.

Special Interest Groups

Can I start a Special Interest Group?

SAQA is always looking for SIGs to reach out to new audiences. Do you have an idea for a group you want to start? Check the link below for more details.

SIG Proposal Form

What is a Special Interest Group?

SAQA’s Education Committee has created Special Interest Groups (SIGs) as an exciting format for SAQA members to meet and connect in live, interactive groups focused around a particular theme. Hosted on Zoom Meeting, SIGs will provide an opportunity for members to gather at a specific time to explore topics, discuss books, follow their artists’ journey, informally share their art and experiences, and countless other possible themes.  

SIGs come in 3 forms:

  1. Drop-in groups will be open to all SAQA members to “drop-in”, on an ongoing basis, at their convenience – think, a general “Stitch and Chat”, or a specific theme like, “Long-arm Quilters”.
  2. Formal groups will be open to all SAQA members to join, but closed to new members once the group has started – think, book-study group, or other sequential topics.
  3. Focused groups will be open to those of our SAQA members that identify with specific criteria – think, “Teachers” or “Authors”

Joining a SIG will never cost anything to current SAQA members. However, depending on the group, there may be some cost associated with the group – such as a book for discussion.

Where can I find out which SIGs are currently meeting? How do I sign up?

Check back on this page ( for information about new and ongoing groups. As new offerings are added, they will be publicized via SAQA’s weekly eBlast, Facebook, and other social media.

I’ve never used Zoom. How does it work?

Zoom is a wonderful, simple way for members to connect face-to-face! If you haven’t tried it, check out the information about Zoom via the link below.

I can’t attend at that time. Will it be recorded and archived?

SIGs are live, interactive groups, and thus, are not generally conducive to recording. However, some Special Interest Group meetings may be recorded at the moderator's discretion.

One of the most important features of SIGs is they give members a new way to connect with other members, from across town, across their region, or around the world in real time. Please note: SIGs are not instructional in nature. They are not presentations. They are discussions you are invited to participate in.

Juried Artist program

Why do SAQA members want to be Juried Artists?

Everyone has different goals. In the recent survey of SAQA members: 

  • 30% of Juried Artists said they applied because of the opportunity to increase the perceived quality and value of their work.
  • 25% said they wanted the recognition and approval of their peers. 
  • 21% applied because they said the discipline of preparing a professional portfolio would help them develop as an artist.
  • 20% applied because of the ability to network with other Juried Artists.
How do I begin the process and how are new Juried Artists accepted?

For a detailed explanation of the process as well as guidelines for preparing and submitting your portfolio, click the link below. The Review Panel meets 6 times a year to review applications and SAQA offers artist members mentoring specific to the Juried Artist program throughout the process.

I am not currently a SAQA member - can I apply to be a Juried Artist?

SAQA membership is not required to apply for Juried Artist Membership. However, only current members can use the mentoring services.

I am already a Juried Artist - how do I update my website profile?

Existing Juried Artist members can find information on updating their profile via the link below.

Zoom Help

I am using an iPad or tablet. Can I still participate?

Yes - Zoom can be used on a variety of devices including iPads and Android tablets. You will want to review this Zoom FAQ as the screens / settings will differ slightly from computers.

What is the difference between a Webinar and Meeting?

Events are held in either webinar or meeting format.

Webinars are designed so that only the host and any designated panelists can share their video, audio, and screen. All other attendees are in view only mode (no audio or video) but have the ability to interact with panelists via chat mode.

Meetings are designed to be collaborative events with all participants being able to screen share, turn on their video and audio, and see who else is in attendance.

During some events (Live Chats), we will break up into smaller conversation groups within a Meeting. This allows attendees engage with each other within groups of 20 or smaller.

Webinar: How can I ask a question of a presenter or panelist?

If you move your cursor to the bottom of the Zoom screen, you will see a Chat button. Click on that, move to the right hand box that appears, click in the area that says “Type message here” and type your question. A moderator will ask the questions as time permits. In some Webinars, there is a Q&A button which is used instead. You will be provided instructions at the beginning of the webinar.

Chat button

Meeting: What is the difference between Gallery and Speaker View?

When in a Zoom meeting, you can toggle between Gallery View (aka Brady Bunch or Hollywood Square view) or Speaker view (larger image for person who is talking). This setting is located in the upper right on a PC/Mac. 

Depending on your computer, you can view 49 people on the screen instead of the default 25. This setting is located on Video Settings (click the caret next to Stop/Start Video on your toolbar). This setting is grayed out if your computer isn't capable of displaying that many images.

Gallery View


Can I chat with another attendee?

You can use the Chat button during Meeting Room and Webinar sessions to "talk" to another attendee. Just specify the name of the person you want to speak with instead of “Everyone” and type away. During webinars you can also specify to send your chat message just to the Panelist / Host.

Please make sure you include your full name when joining a Zoom meeting or webinar so people know it's you. You can also change it when you are in the Meeting by clicking on the three dots next in your Zoom square.

What are the guidelines for Meeting Rooms?

When you are in a Meeting Room, please follow the guidelines below.

  • If you are NOT actively speaking, please mute your microphone as background noise can be a distraction.
  • Please turn off your video if you are not actively participating or if you are moving around.
  • Consider the use of a headset instead of using your computers audio and speakers.
  • If you do experience internet connectivity issues, turn off your webcam - this frees up some bandwidth that can sometimes help.
  • Do use your full name when joining the meeting so everyone knows your name
Help - I no longer see my Zoom screen?

If your Zoom screen disappears, it may be that you have switched to another application on your computer. Look at your taskbar at the bottom and look for the blue Zoom symbol. Click on it.

If this doesn't fix it, you may have accidentally minimized the Zoom screen. Check to see if there is a small window on the upper right of your screen. Hovering over the bottom of this window will provide you with an icon to exit minimized mode.

What if I miss a Live Chat?

Live Chats are optional weekly Zoom meetings which allow you to discuss Seminar content with other participants. These are NOT instructional in nature but rather a casual opportunity to connect with other artists and share in your creative journeys. Occasionally we will have special guests dropping by.

Due to this format, only certain portions of Live Chats will be recorded for future viewing. Looks for more details in your weekly emails.