We offer our 4000+ members a wide range of exclusive resources and professional opportunities, including access to a museum-quality exhibition program that travels artwork around the world. As a part of our dynamic creative community, YOU can make a difference in making the art quilt universally recognized as a fine art medium.
Now is a great time to join SAQA!
Membership Benefits include:
- Exhibition opportunities for ALL levels of artists that share your artwork with the world
- Resources and support for your professional and creative growth
- Members-only access to SAQA Seminar, webinars, Special Interest Groups, mentorship programs, and curator opportunities
- Exclusive online community to connect with artists and arts professionals around the world
- Full-color quarterly SAQA Journal
- Annual networking conference
- Local and regional events and SO MUCH MORE!
Please note: Membership dues increased on Sept 1 (more info). Membership scholarships are available.
ARTIST / ASSOCIATE MEMBER: 1 Year $110, 2 Years $210, 3 Years $310
Artist members create work that fits SAQA’s definition of the art quilt: a creative visual work that is layered and stitched or that references this form of stitched layered structure.
Associate members may participate in the quilt art world in other ways as curators, academics, appraisers, and business owners. Or they can be art quilt enthusiasts who just want to support the art quilt movement. They receive the same benefits as artist members.
- Access to the members-only resources on the SAQA website
- Opportunity to enter SAQA exhibitions
- Resources for professional and creative growth
- Registration for SAQA Seminar
- Membership in online communities
- Full-color quarterly SAQA Journal
- Opportunity to register for the annual SAQA conference
- Attendance at local and regional events
Full-time students may join SAQA as an artist/associate member at a reduced rate. A copy of your full-time student ID is required. Join Now
JURIED ARTIST MEMBER: 1 Year $110, 2 Years $210, 3 Years $310
Juried artist members are SAQA members who have successfully submitted their portfolio for review. Includes all artist benefits listed above plus additional promotional opportunities in print and on the website. More Details
Are you looking for valuable friendships around the globe – or right next door?
SAQA connects you with thousands of art quilters and enthusiasts around the world. Each year, SAQA holds an educational conference filled with informative presentations and other activities. Plus, SAQA's 40+ regions offer more localized social and educational opportunities.
Want to have your artwork travel the world?
SAQA members are eligible to enter museum-quality exhibitions that travel all over the world and are viewed by over 250,000 people each year! We offer something to satisfy the needs of members at all levels of career development. Check out our current calls for entry to find out more.
Need guidance in navigating the next steps for your artwork or career?
We've built a knowledge network to help get you the information you need. We have a wide range of resources including access to Mentorship programs, SAQA Seminar, online Webinars, Special Interest Groups, and more!
Just love art quilts and want to see and hear more about them?
We are your source for tons of beautiful artwork that will delight and inspire you! SAQA members receive a quarterly full-color SAQA Journal as well as weekly email newsletters. Follow us on social media to get the latest scoop on all things art quilt-related!
Ready to take that next step and open the door to new opportunities??
Join a dynamic group of artists and art-lovers who are changing the face of the art world. Our worldwide community is waiting to welcome you!
Still have questions about how a SAQA membership can benefit you?
Please feel free to contact us at info@saqa.com today. We'd love to discuss our opportunities with you.