Special Interest Groups (SIGs)

Member Program

SAQA offers a series of online meetings that take place "virtually" using Zoom video conferencing technology. Zoom can be used with all types of devices – PCs, Macs, tablets, iPhones, Android, and more! It's a fun way to meet other SAQA members and discuss art-related topics.

Interested in starting a Special Interest Group? Check out our proposal form.



Moderated by Geneviève Attinger

Vous parlez français et seriez heureux d’explorer le merveilleux monde de l’art quilt dans cette langue? Ne laissez pas la barrière de la langue être un obstacle – voici l’occasion idéale de profiter des avantages et des opportunités offertes par...

The Daily Challenge SIG is a private Facebook group for SAQA members who want to share their creative projects every day.
Moderated by Julia Graves and Angie Knowles
This group is no longer active, but you can still access the resources.
Moderated by Candice Phelan
Explore inspiring ways to use a mid-or longarm machine to create your design layer - it's not just for quilting!
Moderated by Dolores Miller
The goal of this group is to provide a casual, supportive, open-minded place for us to actively learn as we discuss and become familiar with contemporary art and artists.
The Cutting Edge Special Interest Group will support SAQA members who have a common interest to learn about cutting machines and the associated software. It is an opportunity for SAQA members to share resources such as apps, materials, and solutions.
Moderated by Marleen Minner-Vanderschueren
The aim of these meetings is to bring the Dutch-speaking SAQA members virtually closer together and (better) get to know each other, as well as to (better) use the opportunities and possibilities offered by SAQA.
Moderated by Lynne Allen, June Horwich, and Deb Cashatt

Bed quilts and wall quilts are basically two-dimensional: for them to have form, there must be a support under them, such as a mattress and pillows. To shape an art quilt ("a creative visual work that is layered and stitched...

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Special Interest Group?

SAQA’s Education Committee has created Special Interest Groups (SIGs) as an exciting format for SAQA members to meet and connect in live, interactive groups focused around a particular theme. Hosted on Zoom Meeting, SIGs will provide an opportunity for members to gather at a specific time to explore topics, discuss books, follow their artists’ journey, informally share their art and experiences, and countless other possible themes.  

SIGs come in 3 forms:

  1. Drop-in groups will be open to all SAQA members to “drop-in”, on an ongoing basis, at their convenience – think, a general “Stitch and Chat”, or a specific theme like, “Long-arm Quilters”.
  2. Formal groups will be open to all SAQA members to join, but closed to new members once the group has started – think, book-study group, or other sequential topics.
  3. Focused groups will be open to those of our SAQA members that identify with specific criteria – think, “Teachers” or “Authors”

Joining a SIG will never cost anything to current SAQA members. However, depending on the group, there may be some cost associated with the group – such as a book for discussion.

I can’t attend at that time. Will it be recorded and archived?

SIGs are live, interactive groups, and thus, are not generally conducive to recording. However, some Special Interest Group meetings may be recorded at the moderator's discretion.

One of the most important features of SIGs is they give members a new way to connect with other members, from across town, across their region, or around the world in real time. Please note: SIGs are not instructional in nature. They are not presentations. They are discussions you are invited to participate in.