Regional Resources

Regional reps, local connection leaders, and other interested members can find information about planning regional exhibitions, meetings ideas, and more!

Is your region interested in planning a SAQA regional exhibition? Find out more about the process and guidelines in this resource guide.
YOU are a valued member of SAQA. Bet you have friends who would love SAQA as much as you do. Find out how to help spread the word about SAQA!
Get the details about how regional finances are handled, both at the regional and global levels.
The Regional Grant program has been developed to offer support and funding for special projects to benefit SAQA regions. Regional teams are encouraged to create projects that raise the profile of our art, bring public attention and support, and benefit members of their region(s).

Regional meetings are a great way to get SAQA members together to share our passion for art quilting. All meetings under the SAQA umbrella, whether it is a regional meeting or a local meeting must be open to all regional...

Interested in being a Regional Rep for SAQA? Find more about what the job entails, what benefits you receive, and how to apply.