La Longue Route

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La Longue Route
56 in
42.5 in
(142 cm x 108 cm)
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Obtaining permission from the photographer Catherine Juillerat to use in my work her black and white portrait of Mr. CHU, a Vietnamese Master in embroidery has become an imperative. This accomplished, begins the journey. Undoing the weft by removing the threads and then reworking the remaining ones differently in each block , tilting these blocks in the background and keeping them in balance, using strong colors - white, black and red - all to symbolize the struggle, energy and perseverance needed to accomplish the life's long journey. Finally, my pleasure: the portrait.
Cotton, linen, jeans, plastic material
Free-motion machine embroidered on appliquéd pieces, dyed and discharged, pull-thread work, machine quilted, hand embroidered