Maya Schonenberger

Juried Artist Member (JAM)

Miami, FL
United States

Artist Statement
I use my artwork as a language to express the beauty of our landscapes, my concerns, and thoughts about our environment and social issues. Rarely can the last two be separated. Living and working in South Florida exposes me to all of those subjects on a daily basis.

I use textiles as my preferred medium. My art pieces are stitched, felted, fused, and painted. Textiles provide a tactile experience with their pliability and formability. They open up an endless stream of possibilities for me as an artist to express myself in any way I desire.

My artwork is not about doom and gloom but about creating awareness. I see the pieces as messengers as well as peacemakers. I wish to excite and inspire my viewers. I want them to think critically about important issues that confront them on a daily basis. I want my art to inspire an open and creative mind in my viewers. I also hope to nourish the viewer’s eyes and soul.