Ospreys, Our Wind Companion

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Ospreys, Our Wind Companion
26.5 in
35 in
(67 cm x 89 cm)
Photo Credit
Cleary Creative Photography
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Humans have harnessed, used, and created wind, but we cannot control it. Ospreys also harness and use wind. They inhabit most of the earth and many countries have honored the bird in recognition of its skills. Norway has built an enormous crane called the Wind Osprey that installs wind turbines. The U.S. manufactures the V-22 Osprey helicopter which hovers in the air as the bird does over water when it hunts. When an osprey catches a fish, it places the fish face to the wind to ease wind resistance. The V-22 design copies that idea for its front fuselage. Some ospreys migrate and use wind currents to navigate. If you must fight the wind, persevere like an osprey in the wind.
Batik fabric, acrylic paint, metallic acrylic paint, permanent markers, fabric markers, watercolor brushes.
Machine quilted, appliquéd, stitched