
Browse the Collection
40 in
40 in
(102 cm x 102 cm)
Photo Credit
Pol Leemans
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Of all the cities I have traveled to, none intrigued and moved me as much as Sarajevo. Was the running woman’s gait learned while traversing Sniper Alley’s intersections? Her elbow is out in defiance of the daunting prospect of just existing day-to-day in a dangerous, distrusting place. I watched her for a long time...I am sure these are habits of the siege survivors.

Street photography provides the subjects for my work. I connect visually and emotionally to the “gray people”— those who disappear in crowds, attracting little or no attention as they go about their business. The running woman’s posture and pace made me notice and connect to her. I call her Sarajevo Rose after sidewalk mortar blasts that Sarajevans filled with red resin in remembrance.
Cotton, ink, acrylic paint, digital images of the artist’s photographs and drawings
Painted, screenprinted, discharged, machine pieced, machine quilted