Blue Fern

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Blue Fern
48 in
48 in
(122 cm x 122 cm)
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My breathing slows and my senses expand in the shadows of the forest where sword ferns blanket the forest floor. As I walk the trails, the chatter in my head fades away like fog in the morning sun. Small birds and woodland creatures scurry for cover under the interwoven, thatched fern fronds. They provide shelter to the small woodland inhabitants that survive by hiding from owls, hawks, coyotes, and other predators. Reliable, resilient, and ubiquitous, the sword fern is an enduring haven all year long.

As the steward of this forest, it is my responsibility to maintain and protect the trees, the sword ferns, and the habitat this forest provides to so many creatures. It was here long before me and will hopefully remain long after I am gone.
Cotton, satin ribbon
Hand dyed, pieced, appliquéd, reverse appliquéd, couched, machine quilted, hand quilted