Quercus Falling Leaves VI: Hoster White Oak, Penn State Arboretum

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Quercus Falling Leaves VI: Hoster White Oak, Penn State Arboretum

Andrea Finch

10 in
7 in
Chambersburg, Pennsylvania USA
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The Falling Leaves series evolved from my new intense interest in oaks. Oaks surrounded the home I grew up in; Swamp Chestnut, Red, White and Pin Oaks. I spent many an autumn listening to the acorns falling on the roof and watching the squirrels stash them away. Oak trees are key to the native wildlife of the United States, feeding over 100 animals and birds with their acorns.

I'm a collector of all types of fabric, and local decorators supply me with a wide assortment of fabrics from their sample books. Using these 'recycled' fabrics that would have ended up in the trash, and the restrictions of a small piece of fabric that I cannot replace, make the work more exciting. The Falling Leaves series continues as I explore adding movement to my work, capturing falling leaves and all the interesting shapes of oak leaves. I hope my quilts will spark interest in these long-lived, native, beneficial trees.
Recycled designer samples, thread, glass beads
Raw edge machine appliquéd, machine quilted, hand beaded