Jean Brueggenhann
Internationally known and award-winning quilt maker, designers, and fiber artist, Jean’s work is a mix of highly embellished, otherworldly, enchanted, wonderland fantasy that is created upon traditional quilt patterns that are firmly rooted in strong concept and design principles. Her quilts use traditional piecing, illustration, and composition to lead the viewer through a story.
James Reese
New to quilting with a past working primarily in steel, copper, digital illustration, and bronze, Jim considers his work to be fabric illustrations which capture and portray nature in a highly embellished multimedia enhanced world. Jim’s fabric illustrations are playful mixes of color, pattern, and design that draw in the viewer and convey the story.
Jean Brueggenjohann - Wings of Eternity
The National Quilt Museum
215 Jefferson
Paducah, KY 42001
United States