Outwardly Wasting Away, Inwardly Renewed

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Outwardly Wasting Away, Inwardly Renewed
36 in
29 in
(91 cm x 74 cm)
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I create my art quilts by piecing my personally handwoven textiles. I am free to weave without knowing how or when it will be used, and piecing provides the means for more complex color and pattern combinations than my traditional loom allows. This work is my visual response to a Biblical quote that says, “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”

I found an old rag rug that I had made when I first started weaving in the mid-90s. I had probably kept this tattered rug because I had made it and just couldn’t bear to discard it. It became the perfect expression of the outward wasting away revealing a newness within. Both have their own beauty.
Handwoven fibers, small beads
Woven, machine pieced and quilted, appliquéd, beaded