One False Move

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One False Move
34 in
34.5 in
(86 cm x 88 cm)
Photo Credit
Mark Gulezian/Quicksilver
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Ever the formalist, my pieces always begin with shape, color, line, and texture. It is only through deep engagement with my materials that content is revealed. A true red is not often found in my palette. I worked monochromatically with this piece, as I had a surfeit of red dye and I wanted to explore this unfamiliar hue. I began this piece at the end of February 2022 just as Russia was invading Ukraine. I worked on it over the next couple of months into the summer when Putin’s possible use of nuclear weapons was first being discussed. Using various printing techniques, a favorite motif of stacked rectangles, and a very minimal amount of piecing, One False Move was born.
Fiber, fiber reactive dyes
Monoprinted, screen printed, machine pieced, machine quilted