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16 in
36 in
(41 cm x 91 cm)
Photo Credit
Tricia Koning
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I made this quilt in 2017 after I found out that my son Eric, a lawyer in London, had volunteered to fight in combat in the Middle East. Any contact was infrequent, and I was terrified that he would be killed or injured. My feelings as his mother are shown by this design. Silver fabric with black letters allow the abstract meaning of the letters to stand out. The “E” represents the unpredictable nature of my son’s situation. The “R” becomes a figure with arms outstretched surrounding it. The Cs hurtle toward an unknown future. I did not want to communicate that my son had fallen in battle, so I gradually angled the letter “I” with the last one clearly in a middle horizontal orientation, to demonstrate that he goes on in life.
Commercial fabric
Fused, machine quilted