Tactile Architecture

Call for Entry
Call for Entry Deadline

Size of Entries: Each work must measure a minimum of 36” on each side. The quilt can be NO LONGER than 94” ON A SIDE. Each entry must have a 4” (10 cm) finished sleeve or casing sewn to the top back edge of the quilt (please include a .125”(.377 cm) ease in the sleeve or casing). Sleeves should be secured with stitching at the top and bottom edges.

A cloth label with the entrant’s name, address, telephone number, and email must be securely sewn to the bottom left side back of the quilt. The works must be made between 2020 and 2023. Please do not submit quilts made from kits.

Glitter: Due to transfer issues with glitter on quilts, glitter fabric, or any type of attached glitter on quilts will cause the quilt to be disqualified.

Who may enter: The entries may be the work of one person or more than one person, as long as proper recognition is given to all involved in the actual completion of the quilt. This includes piecing, quilting, and embellishment. The person entering the quilt must have been directly involved in the quilt’s creation.

Number of submissions: You may submit a total of two (2) quilts for our consideration.

Entry fee: A nonrefundable entry fee of $20 (USD) will be paid per quilt entered.

More Info

Various locations
Venue Info

International Quilt Festival Houston and other venues