Ground Zero No. 10: Target Babylon IV

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Ground Zero No. 10: Target Babylon IV
96 in
156 in
(244 cm x 396 cm)
Photo Credit
Mary S. Rezny Photography
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The Ground Zero Series is my interpretation of the international scope of the problems, conflicts, and attitudes related to the massive nuclear threat and terrorist acts toward the innocent. Never before in the history of this planet has there been such audacity in the stockpiling of weapons of war that have the potential of annihilating humanity and civilization world wide. Deploying nuclear weapons guarantees that no continent, country, nor individual is spared from the tragic results of a third world war. Humanity knows that there will be no winner in any nuclear conflict. The innocent and the wicked will all be in rapture in a nuclear holocaust. Adding fuel to this very potent nuclear nightmare is the continuing terrorist threat against all citizens of the world. International terrorism has escalated in the past five years with a special focus toward anti-Americanism. What guarantee does the ordinary American citizen have concerning safety abroad or even at home when the current Reagan Administration is caught selling arms to its enemies in exchange for American hostages? To what insane length will our government go to accomplish "...What we did is right," attitudes? Whom can the average person on the street trust to protect his home and family with existing political conditions?

My art is an attempt to put before the public graphic and abstract symbols representative of these problems. In the Ground Zero series radial balance and bi-lateral symmetry are used to maintain visual interest first in the central color areas. The wedge shapes created from various recycled materials, opalescent Mylar and bleached color movie film represent the blast point of ground zero. The grid areas represent the landscape architecture of city streets. The 16 mm microfilm pattern is of individual bank statements and personalizes the imagery by introducing public documentation as texture and content. Graphic images on rag paper and acetate carry images of innocents, adult pornography, terrorists and nuclear bombs. Using fluorescent colors in contrast to large areas of black Mylar depicts the dynamic transitions that occur in a bomb blast. Netting and zigzag stitches add texture and assist in holding together the non-woven materials. The total visual result is an aerial perspective view of nuclear ground zero.
16 mm color film, 16 mm microfilm, Mylar, color acetate transparencies, color photographs, paint, netting, rag paper, color threads, braid, polymer medium, eyelets, fabric backed.
Layered, interlaced, machine stitched and embroidered, pieced