Fantasy Form 1634

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Fantasy Form 1634
40 in
57 in
(102 cm x 145 cm)
Photo Credit
Karen Bell
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This piece is one of the first in a series of abstract curved designs and I've included it here because it is a personal favorite. The series is ongoing because abstract designs continue to engage me. Many of the drawings for this series were done on airline flights (this one was done on United Flight 1634, Chicago to Houston, hence the title).When I fly, I always seem to be suspended in an altered state due to boredom and hypoxia. I discovered that the airlines provide enough oxygen in the cabin to sustain life, but not quite enough to support cognitive activity, thus providing the perfect time for doodling. Without the interference of rational thought, the resulting designs are very intuitive. They hint at an unfolding, expanding process and the circular forms and ribbon-like figures call to mind many things, but specify none, leaving room for the involvement of the viewer's imagination.
Cotton, chiffon, tulle
Machine pieced and appliquéd, hand quilted