Bush Stone-Curlew

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Bush Stone-Curlew
40 in
30 in
(102 cm x 76 cm)
Photo Credit
Cameron Lancaster
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Old-timers in our district recall hearing the eerie ‘weer- loo’ call of the Bush Stone-Curlew. Sadly, this event has become rare, as this species is now endangered. The Bush Stone-Curlew is a shy, ground-dwelling bird with large eyes and long, gangly legs, found across Australia in open woodland habitats. Whereas other birds fly away, it lies flat and still on the ground, hoping to blend in. Their chicks make an easy meal for introduced species such as foxes, dogs, and cats.

To aid this species’ survival, farmers in particular have been encouraged to protect remnant woodland and leave fallen timber. There is also a regeneration program that includes planting native species and trying to control feral animals.
Cotton, various fabrics, fabric paint
Monoprinted, collaged, thread sketched, machine quilted