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44 in
40 in
(112 cm x 102 cm)
Photo Credit
Paige Vitek
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This is a memory quilt of a horse I bought as a colt, trained and he became my life saver. He helped me through those difficult high school years, then college, then early marriage and when my son was born, this horse became the babysitter. I had not been quilting but a few years, previously only breaking rules on traditional quilts, when I tackled this. There were at the time no rules, and 'how to' books on how to do what I wanted to do, so I struggled making many mistakes. I made this on my high school graduation present, a modern Singer sewing machine.
I used old satin ribbons, cotton fabric, a few embellishments and paste covered fabric photos.
It is all machine pieced and machine quilted. I can't remember what the old technique was called, but I ruined good old photos trying to transfer with this horrible paste.