Congratulations to the artists selected for Color in Context: Blue

Congratulations to the artists selected for the SAQA Global Exhibition Color in Context: Blue by juror Ian Berry. This exhibition will open in September 2025 at the European Patchwork Meeting in France. 

Selected Artists

Nana Barkalaia (Ukraine) - Blue still life 
Helen Beaven (New Zealand) - Glacial Blues 
Rhoda Bennett (Luxembourg) - Blue Earth
Maria Billings (California, USA) - Under the Pyramid in the Louvre Paris
Sara Bradshaw (Tennessee, USA) - Ocean
Alison Charlton (Queensland, Australia) - 2020 Urban graffiti  
Sue LaWall Cortese (Michigan, USA) - Bound to Tradition 1
Sue R. Dennis (Queensland, Australia) - In the Beginning
Joanna Ellis (Ohio, USA) - Love You x 2
Ethelda Ellis Erasmus (Ireland) - Time to rest 
Petra Fallaux (Pennsylvania, USA) - In the Eye of the Storm
Andrea Finch (Pennsylvania, USA) - Receptaculum I & II
Diana S. Fox (Colorado, USA) - Big Blue
Carol Anne Grotrian (Massachusetts, USA) - Indigo and the Murex
MiJoo Jin (South Korea) - The Bond of Blue Flowers
Patty Kennedy-Zafred (Pennsylvania, USA) - On A Blue Note 
Kris Ann Lurtz (Michigan, USA) - Glacier  
Glenda L. Mah (Oregon, USA) - Lines and Spaces
Fuzzy Mall (Ontario, Canada) - Doug Van Es
Kathleen McCabe (California, USA) - Flight Crew
Olena K. Nebuchadnezzar (Virginia, USA) - Blue Thistle III
Stefanie Neuner (South Carolina, USA) - Hopeless, Hope, Hopeful
Judith L. Phelps (Washington, USA) - Outracing the Storm - Bryan's Song 
Margaret A. Phillips (Connecticut, USA) - #618-1  Geometric Figure Study in Blue
Pamela E. Pilcher (Oregon, USA) - Blue Ewe
Leilani Joy Purvis (Arizona, USA) - Splash
Katherine T. Reader (California, USA) - Alaska Midwinter II 
Terri Shinn (Washington, USA) - Myrrh
Patricia Anne Smith (Ontario, Canada) - I'm Watching you  
Jennifer C. Solon (Connecticut, USA) - One in two million
Mary Tyler (Washington, USA) - Finding The Blue Pearl
Lorraine Woodruff-Long  (California, USA) - Once in a Blue Moon
Marian Zielinski (Georgia, USA) - Modernity Blues