Unsung Muses

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Unsung Muses
85.8 in
156 in
195 in
(218 cm x 396 cm x 495 cm)
Photo Credit
Alan McCredie
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Flat, empty figures, left with only traces of past human existence, washed out by the waves of time lapping and crashing over them.

People from the past lose definition and merge together. With the world changing so fast, it is difficult to understand someone from 50 years ago, let alone 4,000. However, these people are our past, they are part of us; their lives led the way for us coming into being.

Inspired by ancient goddess sculptures, only just recognisable, obviously precious and old, my figures are many things: an attempt to connect with our history; an exploration of the human shape; a search for the defining elements of being human. Running alongside these thoughts is the idea of time passing, washing away the precision of memories of where they came from; becoming a universal symbol. A memorial to those who went before, whom I will never know nor comprehend.
Mixed fabrics and threads, dye, fabric paint, oil paintsticks
dye, paint, piecing, stitch