Summer Afternoon Tea Party

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Summer Afternoon Tea Party
46 in
30 in
(117 cm x 76 cm)
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I was thinking of summer, the warm season pleasures of “ordinary” days. Indulging in tea outdoors with friends. Long hot days weeding, then a splash in the river. Just drifting along down this mental stream … then SCHAZAAM! PARAGRAPH BREAK What if these two things blended together? The tea service bobbing at water’s edge, with silver spoons the perfect paddles. In this whimsical world, proportions change and all the creatures can talk to us, just as it happened in childhood tales. PARAGRAPH BREAKRiver mist and fragrant steam or breath of a dragon from far-off Tea Mountain? Of course there’s a dragon, that ancient creature of transformation. Water into tea and back again — the whole world transforms, we just have to look. Only if our minds are dull is anything ever “ordinary.”