Heartbreak Hotel

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Heartbreak Hotel
39 in
30 in
(99 cm x 76 cm)
Photo Credit
Mike McQuaid
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I went through the l950s and '60s with Elvis Presley; he was my first love. I still remember him singing "Heartbreak Hotel" on the Ed Sullivan show, the unforgettable time I when (with most of the country) first time I saw this singer perform. "Heartbreak Hotel" has always been my favorite of his songs and remains so until this day. This art quilt recounts icons associated with that era of this mesmerizing rock star's legendary life.
Cottons, standard and specialty threads, miniature bias tapes, cotton batting, paint.
Original, digitized machine embroidery and lettering. Piecing, applique, couching, long arm and domestic sewing machine quilting. Domestic sewing machine piecing.